
The Ładoś List is an index of people to whom the Polish Legation in Bern and Jewish organizations operating in Switzerland issued Latin American passports during the Second World War. In order to find information about the holders of illegally issued documents, enter a surname, location or other search item from among those available in the database categories.

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Surname Name
The spelling of names follows “Spis imion żydowskich” [The list of Jewish first names] (Warszawa 1928), as it was the only means to avoid the doubling of people on the list. Exception was made for famous individuals whose names are widely known in another form than that proposed in “Spis”.
Date of birth Location
This category notes the location assigned to a given person by the members of the Ładoś Group. The issuers of the documents themselves used various criteria to determine the location and so its meaning is ambiguous. In general, it details either the place of birth or the place where the passport applicant was residing. There are instances where a given person provided a location in a country other than his or her country of birth.
The country with which the applicant was associated. This is most often the country of which he or she was a citizen. Many cases involve a presumption of the applicant’s citizenship. People named on the list have been assigned a citizenship according to the day of the outbreak of the Second World War in their countries of origin or residence (in the case of Austria and Czechoslovakia these dates are respectively March 11 and September 28, 1938; in the case of Germany the date is prior to the NSDAP coming to power). Cases of citizenship deprivation by European countries in the years 1918–1939 have not been included. The last known citizenship has been used for stateless individuals.
Document Fate
Blumenthal née Gold Estera 1888 Będzin PL passport of Honduras perished
Blumenthal-Daube Hanna 1913 Freiburg DE passport of Honduras survived
Blumenthal Jessy Leopold 1938 n/a NL passport of Honduras survived
Blumenthal Markus 1908 Amsterdam NL passport of Honduras survived
Bluminkopf Icchak n/a Warsaw PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Böhm-Steifel Anna 1894 n/a NL unspecified document perished
Böhm Gitel Malka 1909 Radomsko PL unspecified document survived
Böhm Gusta 1921 Stryj PL unspecified document unknown
Böhm Hanna 1932 Radomsko PL unspecified document unknown
Böhm Josef 1889 n/a NL unspecified document of Haiti perished
Böhm Wolf 1897 Radomsko PL unspecified document perished
Bohme Guta 1916 Sosnowiec PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Bojm Jechiel 1898 Warsaw PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate perished
Bojm Kejla 1900 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Bombach-Blau Beila Ruchla 1911 Dębica PL Haitian citizenship certificate perished
Bombach Estera 1941 Antwerp PL Haitian citizenship certificate perished
Bondi-Mosbacher Ernestine 1886 Frankfurt DE passport of Honduras perished
Bondi Erna 1911 Leipzig DE unspecified document perished
Bondi Herman 1910 Vienna AT unspecified document perished
Bondi Siegmund 1877 Mainz DE passport of Honduras perished
Boraks Aleksander n/a Warsaw PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Boraks Ludwik 1895 Warsaw PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Borchardt-Kalmann Hendrik 1941 Amsterdam DE passport of Paraguay survived
Borchardt Georg Hermann 1871 Berlin DE passport of Paraguay perished
Borchardt Ursula 1919 Neckargemünd DE passport of Paraguay survived
Borenstein née Bernstein Dwojra 1891 Warsaw PL Honduran citizenship certificate unknown
Borensztajn née Preger Fajga 1888 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay perished
Borensztajn Aleksander Zyskind 1892 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Borensztajn Chaim 1915 Strzemieszyce PL passport of Paraguay perished
Borensztajn Hana Sara 1922 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay perished
Borensztejn Symcha n/a Warsaw PL Honduran citizenship certificate unknown
Borkowska Cesia 1915 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Bornstajn Chaim 1915 Warsaw PL unspecified document survived
Bornstajn Laja 1900 Warsaw PL unspecified document perished
Bornstein Hela 1899 Warsaw PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate perished
Bornstein Icchak Israel 1894 Sosnowiec PL passport of Honduras unknown
Bornstein Izaak 1899 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay perished
Borzykowska née Krakowska Rebeka 1921 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay perished
Borzykowska Sonia n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Borzykowski Salomon 1917 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Brajtbart Blima 1919 Sosnowiec PL unspecified document unknown
Brand Józef Wolf n/a Warsaw PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Brandys Aron 1912 Będzin PL passport of Honduras survived
Brandys Hirsz 1918 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Brandys Pesla 1915 Będzin PL passport of Honduras survived
Braun Kalman 1904 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Brauner Samuel 1910 Sosnowiec PL unspecified document perished
Brawerman Hela Brajna n/a Warsaw PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate perished
Brawerman Jonas 1910 Łódź PL unspecified document unknown
Bretsztajn Dawid Turek n/a Warsaw PL unspecified document unknown
Brinkmann Charlotte 1928 Frankfurt DE unspecified document of Honduras survived
Brinkmann Erica 1925 Frankfurt DE unspecified document of Honduras perished
Brinkmann Jenny 1893 Frankfurt DE unspecified document of Honduras perished
Brinkmann Myra (Jenny) 1921 Frankfurt DE unspecified document of Honduras perished
Brodman-Iwanier Perl 1908 Wiśnicz DE passport of Honduras survived
Brodman David 1936 Rotterdam NL passport of Honduras survived
Brodman Samuel 1910 Bochnia NL passport of Honduras perished
Brodman Sossie 1938 Rotterdam NL passport of Honduras survived
Brol Chaim Dawid 1913 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Brol Rojza n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Bromberger-Pohorille Irma 1914 Dresden DE unspecified document survived
Bromberger Ignacy 1912 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Bross Cypora n/a Myślenice PL unspecified document unknown
Bruckner née Weintraub Gila 1916 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay perished
Bruckner Alter 1914 Miechów PL passport of Paraguay survived
Bruckner Lejb 1941 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Bruks Ryszard n/a Sambor PL unspecified document of Haiti unknown
Brysz née Hildesheim Sara 1888 Milanówek PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Brysz Janina 1926 Milanówek PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Brzeski Majer 1908 Wodzisław PL passport of Paraguay perished
Buchsbaum Natan 1898 Scheveningen PL unspecified document perished
Buchwajc née Lieblich Laura 1907 Będzin PL passport of Honduras unknown
Buchwajc née Szemberg Ida 1891 Będzin PL passport of Honduras perished
Buchwajc Mojżesz 1914 Będzin PL passport of Honduras perished
Buchwajc Pinchas Lewek 1887 Będzin PL passport of Honduras perished
Buchwajc Wacław Wolf 1912 Będzin PL passport of Honduras survived
Buchwald-Linberg Ernestyna n/a Warsaw PL unspecified document unknown
Bugajska née Zelinger Tauba 1891 Żarki PL unspecified document perished
Bugajska Fajga Cypora 1918 Żarki PL unspecified document perished
Bugajska Nyja 1922 Żarki PL unspecified document unknown
Bugajski Aron 1920 Żarki PL unspecified document perished
Bugajski Dawid 1890 Żarki PL unspecified document perished
Buksbaum Leo Bonaventura 1880 Bytom DE passport of Paraguay perished
Buksbaum Miriam 1895 Sosnowiec PL passport of Paraguay perished
Bułka née Paperno Rachela 1903 Warsaw PL passport of Paraguay perished
Bułka Stefania 1926 Warsaw PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Bułka Szymon 1890 Warsaw PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Bursztyn-Artsztein Ruchla 1894 Warsaw PL Honduran citizenship certificate perished
Bursztyn Hinda Chaja 1927 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Butterman-Laufer Frida n/a n/a n/a unspecified document unknown
Butterman Jakob n/a n/a n/a unspecified document unknown
Butwies-Hüttner Edith-Vera 1904 Berlin DE passport of Paraguay perished
Calvary-Lissauer Cecilie 1882 Hamburg DE passport of Paraguay perished
Calvary Walter 1912 Poznań DE passport of Paraguay perished
Cats-Huisman Eva 1900 Hague NL passport of Paraguay survived
Cats Hans 1928 Rotterdam NL passport of Paraguay survived
Cats Josephine 1922 Rotterdam NL passport of Paraguay survived
Cats Kaatje 1924 Rotterdam NL passport of Paraguay unknown
Cats Meyer 1895 Rotterdam NL passport of Paraguay survived
Chasam Soifer n/a n/a n/a unspecified document unknown