
The Ładoś List is an index of people to whom the Polish Legation in Bern and Jewish organizations operating in Switzerland issued Latin American passports during the Second World War. In order to find information about the holders of illegally issued documents, enter a surname, location or other search item from among those available in the database categories.

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Surname Name
The spelling of names follows “Spis imion żydowskich” [The list of Jewish first names] (Warszawa 1928), as it was the only means to avoid the doubling of people on the list. Exception was made for famous individuals whose names are widely known in another form than that proposed in “Spis”.
Date of birth Location
This category notes the location assigned to a given person by the members of the Ładoś Group. The issuers of the documents themselves used various criteria to determine the location and so its meaning is ambiguous. In general, it details either the place of birth or the place where the passport applicant was residing. There are instances where a given person provided a location in a country other than his or her country of birth.
The country with which the applicant was associated. This is most often the country of which he or she was a citizen. Many cases involve a presumption of the applicant’s citizenship. People named on the list have been assigned a citizenship according to the day of the outbreak of the Second World War in their countries of origin or residence (in the case of Austria and Czechoslovakia these dates are respectively March 11 and September 28, 1938; in the case of Germany the date is prior to the NSDAP coming to power). Cases of citizenship deprivation by European countries in the years 1918–1939 have not been included. The last known citizenship has been used for stateless individuals.
Document Fate
Szpiegelman née Ehrlich Zofia 1892 Będzin PL unspecified document survived
Szpiegelman Henryka 1922 Będzin PL unspecified document survived
Szpiegelman Mojżesz 1890 Będzin PL unspecified document perished
Szpigelman Jacheta 1899 Będzin PL unspecified document perished
Szpigelman Sara 1908 Warsaw PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate perished
Szpigler Bandla n/a Katowice PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Szpilfogel Henryk n/a Warsaw PL Honduran citizenship certificate perished
Szpilfogel/Szpilvogel née Szereszewska Helena 1891 Wola Krzysztoporska PL passport of Honduras survived
Szpilfogel/Szpilvogel Julian n/a Warsaw PL passport of Honduras unknown
Szpilfogel/Szpilvogel Marian (Majer) 1886 Warsaw PL passport of Honduras perished
Szpilfogel/Szpilvogel Maurycy 1872 Wola Krzysztoporska PL passport of Honduras survived
Szpinadel Artur 1900 Warsaw PL passport of Peru perished
Szpindler Jechiel n/a Warsaw PL Honduran citizenship certificate unknown
Szpiro Mordechaj n/a Warsaw PL unspecified document of Honduras unknown
Szporn Fajga 1916 Będzin PL passport of Honduras unknown
Szprynger Fruma 1914 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Szprynger Hirsz 1912 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay perished
Szprynger Joel 1921 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay perished
Sztajnfeld Józef 1934 Zawiercie PL unspecified document unknown
Sztatler Aaron 1917 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Sztatler Syma 1920 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Szteinfeld first name unknown n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Sztolcman Abraham n/a Warsaw PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate perished
Sztulman Dawid 1899 Sosnowiec PL passport of Honduras unknown
Sztulman Estera 1900 Sosnowiec PL passport of Honduras unknown
Sztulman Henryk 1937 Sosnowiec PL passport of Honduras unknown
Szuldiner née Wajncyjer Mina 1908 Warsaw PL passport of Honduras unknown
Szuldiner Symcha 1907 Warsaw PL passport of Honduras perished
Szulman Mera n/a n/a PL unspecified document unknown
Szwajzer Fajga 1888 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Szwajzer Israel Mordka 1888 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Szwarc Frajda Hena 1938 Będzin PL passport of Peru unknown
Szwarc Hirsz 1911 Będzin PL passport of Peru unknown
Szwarc Sura Jacheta 1912 Będzin PL passport of Peru unknown
Szydłowski Szaja n/a n/a PL Honduran citizenship certificate unknown
Szyff Basia Leja 1915 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Szylit née Siegelbaum Nacha 1912 Zagórze PL unspecified document unknown
Szylit Samuel 1902 Zagórze PL unspecified document unknown
Szylit Zyskind 1933 Zagórze PL unspecified document unknown
Szynkarz Israel 1915 Sosnowiec PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Szytens Eliezer n/a Będzin PL passport of Haiti unknown
Śliwka Majer 1911 Zagórze PL unspecified document of Paraguay survived
Śliwka Sara 1913 Zagórze PL unspecified document of Paraguay unknown
Śpiewak Ita n/a Warsaw PL passport of Honduras unknown
Tabaksblatt Aleksander n/a Łódź PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate survived
Tabaksblatt Bolesław n/a Łódź PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Tabaksblatt Fajga n/a Łódź PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Tabaksblatt Israel n/a Łódź PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Taffel-Amsel Chana 1875 Sędziszów PL unspecified document of Honduras perished
Taffel Abraham 1875 Sędziszów PL unspecified document of Honduras perished
Tanenbaum Mendel n/a Będzin PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Tannenbaum Leo 1882 Drohobycz PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate perished
Tas-Herzberg Frieda 1896 Amsterdam NL passport of Paraguay survived
Tas Henri 1888 Amsterdam NL passport of Paraguay survived
Tas Jacques 1892 Amsterdam NL passport of Paraguay survived
Tas Louis Mattijahu 1920 Amsterdam NL passport of Paraguay survived
Tas Moritz 1898 Amsterdam NL passport of Paraguay perished
Tas Rebecca (Riva) 1922 Amsterdam NL passport of Paraguay survived
Taub née Ernst Cyrla 1918 Będzin PL passport of Honduras perished
Taub Szmul 1913 Będzin PL passport of Honduras perished
Taube née Auerbach Perel 1901 Stryj PL unspecified document of Honduras survived
Taube Berthold n/a Frankfurt DE unspecified document unknown
Taube David 1940 Amsterdam NL unspecified document of Honduras survived
Taube Ziwie 1934 Amsterdam NL unspecified document of Honduras survived
Tchechoral-Masel Minna n/a Les Genêts FR unspecified document of Haiti unknown
Tchechoral Moses n/a Les Genêts FR unspecified document of Haiti unknown
Teitelbaum Israel 1925 n/a DE Haitian citizenship certificate perished
Teitelbaum Miriam 1919 Lukáčovce CZ unspecified document survived
Teitelbaum Mojżesz 1917 Dęblin PL unspecified document survived
Teller Chaim n/a Bochnia PL unspecified document unknown
Teller Icchak 1922 Bochnia PL unspecified document survived
Teller Mojżesz n/a Bochnia PL unspecified document unknown
Teller Sara n/a Bochnia PL unspecified document unknown
Telner vel Kołodziejska Rywka vel Renata 1935 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay survived
Telner Frajda 1908 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay survived
Telner Hirsz Icchak 1904 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay perished
Telner Sara Gitla 1928 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay survived
Tencer Benjamin 1909 Sosnowiec PL passport of Peru perished
Tencer Elza Zalula 1910 Sosnowiec PL passport of Peru survived
Tenenbaum née Szwajcer Chana 1910 Będzin PL passport of Honduras perished
Tenenbaum Fruma 1911 Będzin PL passport of Honduras unknown
Tenenbaum Henoch 1909 Będzin PL passport of Honduras unknown
Tenenbaum Izrael 1907 Będzin PL passport of Honduras perished
Tenenbaum Jehuda 1939 Będzin PL passport of Honduras unknown
Tenenbaum Mira 1940 Będzin PL passport of Honduras unknown
Tenenberg Pola 1920 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Tenenberg Zalman 1920 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Tenenwunsch Ch. n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Tennenbaum Eliezer n/a n/a PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Tennenberg Abraham Eliasz 1924 Będzin PL passport of Peru perished
Tennenberg Ruchla 1925 Będzin PL passport of Peru unknown
Tenzer Dr. first name unknown n/a n/a PL unspecified document unknown
Tenzer Chaja n/a Sosnowiec PL passport of Peru unknown
Terb first name unknown n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Tewel Aron n/a Warsaw PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Thaler Frajda 1913 Stryj PL passport of Paraguay survived
Thaler Norbert 1908 Stryj PL passport of Paraguay survived
Thau Adolf 1904 Amsterdam AT passport of Paraguay survived
Thau Evelyne 1934 Amsterdam AT passport of Paraguay survived
Thau Gerda 1930 Amsterdam AT passport of Paraguay survived