
The Ładoś List is an index of people to whom the Polish Legation in Bern and Jewish organizations operating in Switzerland issued Latin American passports during the Second World War. In order to find information about the holders of illegally issued documents, enter a surname, location or other search item from among those available in the database categories.

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Surname Name
The spelling of names follows “Spis imion żydowskich” [The list of Jewish first names] (Warszawa 1928), as it was the only means to avoid the doubling of people on the list. Exception was made for famous individuals whose names are widely known in another form than that proposed in “Spis”.
Date of birth Location
This category notes the location assigned to a given person by the members of the Ładoś Group. The issuers of the documents themselves used various criteria to determine the location and so its meaning is ambiguous. In general, it details either the place of birth or the place where the passport applicant was residing. There are instances where a given person provided a location in a country other than his or her country of birth.
The country with which the applicant was associated. This is most often the country of which he or she was a citizen. Many cases involve a presumption of the applicant’s citizenship. People named on the list have been assigned a citizenship according to the day of the outbreak of the Second World War in their countries of origin or residence (in the case of Austria and Czechoslovakia these dates are respectively March 11 and September 28, 1938; in the case of Germany the date is prior to the NSDAP coming to power). Cases of citizenship deprivation by European countries in the years 1918–1939 have not been included. The last known citizenship has been used for stateless individuals.
Document Fate
Londner née Szwajcer Szejna 1904 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Londner née Zelkowicz Róża n/a Będzin PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Londner Ber 1915 Będzin PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Londner Cypora 1933 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Londner Icchak 1892 Sosnowiec PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Londner Iser 1903 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay survived
Londner Małka 1888 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Londner Nuta 1887 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Londner Sara 1938 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
London Munia n/a Warsaw PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Lorie Erna 1912 Będzin PL passport of Peru survived
Lorie Max Szymon Loeb 1907 Będzin PL passport of Peru survived
Lorie Rena 1938 Będzin PL passport of Peru survived
Löwy Ludwik Izrael n/a Będzin PL Honduran citizenship certificate unknown
Lubetkin Cywia 1914 Warsaw PL passport of Paraguay survived
Lubianiker first name unknown n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Lucas-Hamburger Dina 1877 n/a NL unspecified document perished
Lucas Jacob 1876 Mühlheim NL unspecified document perished
Lunsky Guta 1924 n/a PL passport of Honduras survived
Lusternik Malkiel 1913 Łódź PL unspecified document perished
Lustygier née Eisenmann Sara Rywka 1912 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay perished
Lustygier née Goldstein Mira 1892 Będzin PL unspecified document perished
Lustygier née Szltochlic Perel 1923 Będzin PL passport of Honduras unknown
Lustygier Dawid Józef 1896 Będzin PL unspecified document perished
Lustygier Hirsz 1923 Będzin PL passport of Honduras unknown
Lustygier Ruchla Mingla 1936 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Lustygier Samuel 1903 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Lustygier Samuel Meir 1925 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Lustygier Szymon 1940 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Luzzato Enrico n/a Genoa IT unspecified document survived
Luzzato Marcella n/a Genoa IT unspecified document survived
Łabędzki Miszak n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Łazęga Ida 1924 Będzin PL Haitian citizenship certificate unknown
Machner Icchak n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Machner Jakub n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Machner Lea n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Machtygier Judka n/a Zawiercie PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Mahl Henryk n/a n/a PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Mainzer-Sinzheimer Gertrud 1914 Frankfurt DE passport of Paraguay survived
Mainzer Frank 1939 Amsterdam DE passport of Paraguay survived
Mainzer Gabriele 1937 Amsterdam DE passport of Paraguay survived
Majer Abram 1936 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Majer Icchak 1905 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Majer Lea 1931 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Majtek Jechezkiel 1920 Działoszyce PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Majtlis Chaim 1879 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Majtlis Lea Hinda 1920 Sosnowiec PL passport of Peru perished
Majtlis Samuel Joel 1919 Sosnowiec PL passport of Peru perished
Majzner Chana Anna n/a Warsaw PL Honduran citizenship certificate unknown
Małach née Zygrajch Chaja Rywka 1913 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Małach Abraham M. n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Małach Benjamin 1887 Będzin PL unspecified document perished
Małach Chawa n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Małach Dwora 1888 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Małach Gołda 1922 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Małach Zyskind 1914 Będzin PL unspecified document perished
Mamlok née Leneman Adela 1911 Sosnowiec PL passport of Honduras survived
Mamlok Janina 1914 Sosnowiec PL passport of Honduras perished
Manela née Weinstein Adela 1901 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay perished
Manela Abraham 1924 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay survived
Manela Chana 1924 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Manela Cywia 1877 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay perished
Manela Eliezer 1906 Będzin PL unspecified document perished
Manela Hadasa Jentla 1923 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay perished
Manela Mojżesz 1900 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay perished
Manhajmer Józef n/a Sosnowiec PL unspecified document unknown
Mann Hersz Mendel n/a n/a PL Honduran citizenship certificate unknown
Mantel née Littmann Chejwet 1894 Łódź PL passport of Paraguay survived
Mantel Aron Szyja 1927 Wieruszów PL passport of Paraguay survived
Mantel Dawid 1929 Wieruszów PL passport of Paraguay survived
Mantel Jacob (Jaap) 1919 Amsterdam NL passport of Paraguay survived
Mantel Jakub 1895 Młynisko PL passport of Paraguay survived
Mantel Rywka Frajda 1918 Wieruszów PL passport of Paraguay survived
Mapajewicz first name unknown n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Marber Abraham 1925 Bochnia PL Honduran citizenship certificate survived
Marburger-Kaufmann Johanna 1867 Mülheim an der Ruhr DE passport of Paraguay perished
Marder Fajga n/a Będzin PL passport of Haiti unknown
Markiel Szulamit 1926 n/a PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Markowicz Sabina n/a Zawiercie PL unspecified document unknown
Markowski I. n/a Warsaw PL Haitian citizenship certificate unknown
Markus Estera vel Frymeta 1922 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Markus Mojżesz Józef 1924 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Marx-Michels Ida 1888 Amsterdam PL unspecified document of Haiti survived
Marx Arthur 1880 Cologne DE Haitian citizenship certificate survived
Marynower Jezechiel n/a Warsaw PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Mass Izrael n/a n/a n/a Honduran citizenship certificate unknown
Mauer née Wekselman Liba 1894 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Mauer Frymeta 1922 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Mauer Icchak Nachum 1925 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Mauer Mordechaj Ber 1923 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Mauer Wigdor 1928 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Mazur S. n/a Warsaw PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Meerschwam née Wiener Mirla 1888 Rotterdam PL passport of Honduras perished
Meerschwam Dina 1919 Rotterdam PL passport of Honduras perished
Meerschwam Jakub 1887 Rotterdam PL passport of Honduras perished
Mehrer Franz n/a Poniatowa n/a Haitian citizenship certificate unknown
Meller Abraham n/a n/a n/a unspecified document unknown
Meller Amalie n/a n/a n/a unspecified document unknown
Meller Gerhard n/a n/a n/a unspecified document unknown
Meller Tobiasz n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown