
The Ładoś List is an index of people to whom the Polish Legation in Bern and Jewish organizations operating in Switzerland issued Latin American passports during the Second World War. In order to find information about the holders of illegally issued documents, enter a surname, location or other search item from among those available in the database categories.

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Surname Name
The spelling of names follows “Spis imion żydowskich” [The list of Jewish first names] (Warszawa 1928), as it was the only means to avoid the doubling of people on the list. Exception was made for famous individuals whose names are widely known in another form than that proposed in “Spis”.
Date of birth Location
This category notes the location assigned to a given person by the members of the Ładoś Group. The issuers of the documents themselves used various criteria to determine the location and so its meaning is ambiguous. In general, it details either the place of birth or the place where the passport applicant was residing. There are instances where a given person provided a location in a country other than his or her country of birth.
The country with which the applicant was associated. This is most often the country of which he or she was a citizen. Many cases involve a presumption of the applicant’s citizenship. People named on the list have been assigned a citizenship according to the day of the outbreak of the Second World War in their countries of origin or residence (in the case of Austria and Czechoslovakia these dates are respectively March 11 and September 28, 1938; in the case of Germany the date is prior to the NSDAP coming to power). Cases of citizenship deprivation by European countries in the years 1918–1939 have not been included. The last known citizenship has been used for stateless individuals.
Document Fate
Thau Hans 1938 Amsterdam AT passport of Paraguay survived
Thau Ila n/a n/a AT passport of Paraguay survived
Thau Uszer 1906 Będzin PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Tintpulwer M. n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Trajman Brajna 1923 Dąbrowa Górnicza PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Träutel Hannie n/a Chorzów PL passport of Haiti unknown
Trejstman Szymon n/a Warsaw PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Trier-Schloss Doris 1867 Jugenheim DE passport of Paraguay perished
Trilling née Safraj Rojza 1897 Białystok PL unspecified document of Haiti unknown
Trilling née Safraj Róża 1909 Łódź PL unspecified document of Haiti perished
Trilling Anatol 1897 Białystok PL unspecified document of Haiti perished
Trilling Elżbieta 1938 Białystok PL unspecified document of Haiti unknown
Trilling Lillian 1929 Łódź PL unspecified document of Haiti survived
Trink-Baral Dagna 1909 Lwów PL passport of Paraguay survived
Trink Otto 1903 Tyczyn PL passport of Paraguay survived
Trockenheim Jakub 1881 Warsaw PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate perished
Tropauer Gustawa n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Tuchsznajder née Moneta Sara 1907 Sosnowiec PL unspecified document perished
Tuchsznajder Kalman 1921 Sosnowiec PL unspecified document survived
Tuchwergier Izrael n/a n/a n/a Honduran citizenship certificate unknown
Türkel Siegfried n/a Warsaw PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Turkel Szabsaj n/a n/a PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate unknown
Twardowicz Mojżesz 1920 Dąbrowa Górnicza PL unspecified document survived
Twerski Pinkas n/a Przemyśl PL unspecified document perished
Ulrych de Cwajbaum Teresa Tauba n/a Warsaw PL passport of Honduras perished
Ungar Leser 1899 Bochnia PL passport of Haiti unknown
Unger Frajdla 1905 Wolbrom PL passport of Haiti unknown
Unger Icchak Cwi 1942 Będzin PL passport of Haiti unknown
Unger Mojżesz 1908 Będzin PL passport of Haiti unknown
Urbajtel Abraham Mojżesz n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Urman vel Fajner Chaim 1942 Będzin PL unspecified document perished
Urman vel Fajner Majer 1932 Będzin PL unspecified document perished
Urman vel Fajner Rózia 1936 Będzin PL unspecified document perished
Urman Chaja 1912 Będzin PL unspecified document perished
Valobra Ada 1899 Genua IT unspecified document survived
Valobra Lelio Vittorio 1900 Genua IT unspecified document survived
Van Amerongen-Schrijver Eva 1905 Amsterdam NL passport of Paraguay survived
Van Amerongen David 1930 Haarlem NL passport of Paraguay survived
Van Coevorden-London Nellie Edith 1894 Legnica NL unspecified document survived
Van Coevorden Hennij 1924 Berlin NL unspecified document perished
Van Coevorden Herman 1884 Coevorden NL unspecified document perished
Van den Bergh-Hauer Lotte 1919 Amsterdam NL passport of Paraguay survived
Van den Bergh-van Dantzig Jeannette 1886 Rotterdam NL passport of Paraguay survived
Van den Bergh Betsie 1919 Amsterdam NL passport of Paraguay survived
Van den Bergh Joost Herman 1924 Amsterdam NL passport of Paraguay survived
Van den Bergh Robert 1913 Amsterdam NL passport of Paraguay survived
Van der Walde (Sappir) Kela Ruth 1924 Emden DE Honduran citizenship certificate survived
Van der Walde Hermann Naphtali 1927 Emden DE passport of Paraguay perished
Van Esso Leo 1926 Amsterdam NL passport of Honduras perished
Van Leeuwen-van Tilburg Dimfina Petronella Machuta 1907 Vlaardingen NL Haitian citizenship certificate unknown
Van Leeuwen Leendert 1900 Rotterdam NL Haitian citizenship certificate unknown
Van Meekren-Leefsma Judith 1890 Amsterdam NL passport of Honduras survived
Van Meekren Herman Jacob 1887 Amsterdam NL passport of Honduras survived
Van Meekren Jacob Herman (Jaap) 1923 Amsterdam NL passport of Honduras survived
Van Os Hendrik Simon 1903 Amsterdam NL passport of Paraguay perished
Vogel-Nossbaum Ruth 1908 Frankfurt DE unspecified document of Honduras survived
Vogel-Schott Jenny 1886 Mainz DE unspecified document of Honduras survived
Vogel August 1875 Nieder Saulheim DE unspecified document of Honduras perished
Vogel Walter 1907 Mainz DE unspecified document of Honduras survived
Wajcenberg Anszel 1903 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Wajcenberg Estera 1937 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Wajcenberg Rojzla 1902 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Wajcman Blima 1891 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Wajcman Brucha Etel 1927 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Wajcman Cypora 1917 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Wajcman Cywia 1928 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Wajcman Estera 1917 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Wajcman Icchak 1921 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Wajcman Jakub 1920 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Wajcman Jechiel Jechezkiel 1891 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Wajcman Mirla 1923 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Wajcman Rajzla 1916 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Wajngort Lea Fajgla n/a Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Wajngort Mendel Israel n/a Będzin PL passport of Paraguay unknown
Wajnrajch Abraham 1910 Sosnowiec PL unspecified document unknown
Wajnrajch Henryk 1939 Sosnowiec PL unspecified document unknown
Wajnrajch Laja 1913 Sosnowiec PL unspecified document unknown
Wajnryb Izrael 1894 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Wajnstock Naftali Jerachmil 1912 Warsaw PL passport of Haiti perished
Wajsak/Wajssale Lejb n/a Dąbrowa Górnicza PL passport of Haiti unknown
Wajsbort née Neufeld vel Najfeld Chaja 1916 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Wajsbort Hirsz 1918 Będzin PL unspecified document perished
Wajsbort Masza Perla 1887 Będzin PL unspecified document perished
Wajsbort Samuel Fiszel 1887 Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Wajssalc Abram 1912 Dąbrowa Górnicza PL unspecified document unknown
Wajssalc Gołda Chana 1937 Dąbrowa Górnicza PL unspecified document unknown
Wajssalc Ruchla 1910 Dąbrowa Górnicza PL unspecified document unknown
Wallach Pinchas 1918 Czudec PL Paraguayan citizenship certificate survived
Wandersman first name unknown n/a Będzin PL unspecified document of Haiti unknown
Warszawska Dwora n/a Będzin PL unspecified document unknown
Waserman Ajdla n/a Warsaw PL unspecified document unknown
Waserman Chaim 1922 Będzin PL passport of Paraguay survived
Waserman Elhanan 1874 Kaunas LT unspecified document perished
Waserman Mojżesz n/a Warsaw PL unspecified document unknown
Wassale Lajb n/a Dąbrowa Górnicza PL unspecified document of Haiti unknown
Weichert Michał 1890 Podhajce n/a Honduran citizenship certificate survived
Weil-Kaufmann Nanny 1911 Mannheim DE passport of Paraguay survived
Weil Siegbert 1897 Geilingen DE passport of Paraguay survived
Weill Elie 1901 Aix-les-Bains FR passport of Haiti survived
Weinberg-Klopfer primo voto Lissberger Hedwig 1884 Munich DE passport of Paraguay perished