
With the World Jewish Congress

27 February 2020
New York – Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion

The Pilecki Institute and the World Jewish Congress presented the English edition of The Ładoś List in New York. The premiere took place at the Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion. Speakers at the meeting included: Jean Rosensaft (Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion), Menachem Rosensaft (general counsel of the World Jewish Congress), Dr. Wojciech Kozłowski (director of the Pilecki Institute), Dr. Mordecai Paldiel (former director of the Department of the Righteous at Yad Vashem: World Holocaust Center), Dr. Jakub Kumoch (scientific editor of the publication, Polish ambassador to Switzerland), Monika Maniewska (co-author of the publication, researcher from the Pilecki Institute). “Today, for the first time in the United States, scientists from the Pilecki Institute can share the results of their many years of research. It is a great honor for me to present the English edition of The Ładoś List in cooperation with the World Jewish Congress. It is particularly important that we do not only use statistics and numbers in our publication, but most of all we try to identify individual people, find their names and surnames,” said Wojciech Kozłowski.

Mordecai Paldiel said: “we have thousands of names on the list. I hope that soon we will be able to reach many descendants of people who survived thanks to the passports, and that we will be able to organize a meeting of these families. Children and grandchildren of people who received the Ładoś passports will be able to meet and it will be an extraordinary epilogue of this story.”


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